Online Forms



Patient Documents & Forms

Personal Injury Forms

Insurance / Cash Patient Forms

Personal Injury Forms

Dr. Kelly knows your time is valuable. For your convenience, you may download and complete the New Patient Form and bring it with you to your first appointment.

Patient Information Form

Symptom Survey Form

Accident Information Form

Directive to My Medical Provider To Not Bill Health Insurance

Kevin M. Kelly Chiropractic, Inc. Medical Lien Agreement

Insurance / Cash Patient Forms

Dr. Kelly knows your time is valuable. For your convenience, you may download and complete the New Patient Form and bring it with you to your first appointment.

Patient Information Form

Symptom Survey Form


What Training Do Chiropractors Have?
Chiropractors are licensed in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. A rigorous course of study is necessary to receive the degree of Doctor of Chiropractic. According to the American Chiropractic Association, there are over 50,000 Doctors of Chiropractic practicing in the United States. Most state licensing boards require at least two years of undergraduate education (a few states require a Bachelor's degree) and completion of a four-year Chiropractic college course.
What Happens During a Chiropractic Visit?
After setting up an appointment and arriving for your first visit, you'll enjoy meeting our friendly staff. After completing the New Patient Form, you'll meet Dr. Kelly.

Dr. Kelly will review your health history and ask you some very important questions to determine if your problem is likely to be helped with Chiropractic care. An examination will then be performed to determine whether or not there are misalignments or a malfunctioning of the individual spinal vertebrae.

With a complete understanding of your condition, you're ready for your Chiropractic spinal adjustment. Adjustments help restore proper spinal function and begin the healing process. Continued visits help retrain the supporting muscles and ligaments of your spine. Periodic examinations will monitor the healing process.

If it is decided that your condition will respond to Chiropractic care, then adjustments can begin. Adjustments consist of unlocking certain spinal segments which may have become subluxated causing abnormal movement or nerve irritation in the spine. These "adjustments" are performed by hand and are generally painless.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?
Chiropractic adjustments are safer than aspirin, muscle relaxers, and back surgery. Dozens of research studies have documented the safety and effectiveness of Chiropractic adjustments. When compared with traditional approaches, Chiropractic care is remarkably safe. In fact, millions of Chiropractic adjustments are safely delivered to satisfied patients every day!
Am I Too Old for Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic treatment is for people of all ages, including senior citizens. With growing concerns about over-medication and the side effects of combining various prescription drugs, safe, natural Chiropractic care is growing in popularity.

Restoring better spinal function can help improve mobility, vitality, endurance, and appetite. Many patients report improvement with arthritic symptoms and other chronic ailments often associated with the aging process.

Does Medical Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?
According to a 1994 federal study, 80% of healthcare plans that employers offer cover at least part of the cost of Chiropractic treatment. In addition, we recommend that you check with your employer or insurance company to determine your Chiropractic benefits.

Payment Options

Dr. Kelly has many payment options available for you and your family. Just call our office and we will be happy to review our affordable payment options.

Are you experiencing back pain or stiffness?

With our virtual office tour you can explore our clinic online. Come on in!

Contact Us.

Call Us

Office: (805) 496-6104
Fax: (805) 496-6144


223 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 420
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360